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I’ve taken a few screenshots of Paratext for use in a course textbook. I’ve also quoted the “Getting started in enhanced resources” pop-up.

The text makes it clear that they are Paratext screenshots. Is there anything I should include in the bibliography and/or as a footnote?

Paratext by (152 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Not sure if you are dealing significantly with enhanced Resources, but the following is the paper I presented at BT Conference:

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)

Thank you, dhigby. I’ve passed it on to our people. It should be very helpful.


This is helpful, dhigby, thank you. I’m not going deep on Enhanced Resources in the textbook, just pointing out their existence and a few features as a part of a lesson on selecting which texts will be used in the translation process (as translation base, original source texts, intermediary source texts, model translations). The teacher could choose to give an in-class demonstration. But I am including extra readings for the students related to things that are brought up in each lesson so your paper will be great for that.

+1 vote

If I recall correctly, the “Getting started” popup was drafted by me, then heavily revised by several members of the Paratext team. I think full attribution would be: Helen Barker, Danial Castle, Don Cheney, Jonathan Coombs, IanH , Todd Hoatson, Michael Lothers.

As for footnotes, it may be worth mentioning the version of Paratext which was used for the screenshot given that the UI can change significantly between versions. Enhanced Resources haven’t changed much since they were first released but there are improvements we’d like to make, especially in the formatting and layout of the research (lower) pane.

by [Moderator]
(1.1k points)

Thanks for the info, IanH. And the suggestion to include which version of Paratext; will definitely do so.

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