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I am working with two projects. On one computer I want to add to the admin account two user accounts for these two projects and install in these two user accounts a Paratext project each different from the one in the admin account. What is the best way to do it?
I have problems: when I changed the register accounts, I am not able to open Paratext anymore ( the advance line when opening Paratext stops everytime when it comes to loading at 2/3 of the green line). And even that the new registration goes back to the admin account.

Paratext by (136 points)

6 Answers

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Best answer

Create multiple windows logins on the computer. Windows will remember the Paratext registration for each user. This topic came up a while back in a slightly different context but these instructions should work for your situation.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

Hi anon044949,
Thank you for your reply, it took a while to take time to try this out.
I have already the two users installed and at the moment I have them all Paratext registered in their own user account.

Still I have the problem that only the administrator can open her Paratext, the other users when open their Paratext, it searches until 3/4, shows a window: “Open for other user”, closes that window and then closes Paratext down for good. So unable to work in it.
What can the problem be?

The message, “Open for other user” suggests that you need to close Paratext for the first user before opening it for a second user. All users share the same project data folder, so Paratext needs to ensure that some other still-logged-in user doesn’t have files open which this user will need.

0 votes

Hi IanH,

Okay, I am pretty sure they were closed so I checked the message again: it says “Preparation de Paratext pour un autre utilisateur”.
This same message comes up when opening Paratext in Admin and it opens without problems, the same message comes up in both other users and after that it closes down, so again my quesion, what could I do? Thanks soo much for answering my requests!

by (136 points)

Hi anon057624,
The first thing I would try is “Run as administrator” for each user who can not open Paratext:

Right click on the Paratext icon on the desktop and choose Run as administrator from the menu.
Open the Start menu and right-click on the Paratext icon. Click on the More > submenu and choose Run as administrator (in Windows 10).

It sounds like Paratext is trying to do some final preparation for the user but can’t complete the process. Choosing to “Run as administrator” gives Paratext extra permission to modify files which the user may not have access to.

Hi IanH,

I remember having done this before, but I did it again on your request and what happens then is that it changes the registration of the user to that of the admin person…

Salutations cordiales / warm greetings,


------ Message d’origine ------

0 votes

@anon057624, Where is the Paratext settings folder (My Paratext Projects) located on the machine? It must be accessible to all users on the machine for switching users to work correctly.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

It is under Local disc C:\

by (136 points)
0 votes

So after having shut the computer down, reopening Paratext in the user account ( without using RUn as administrator) it opens again with the user registration. So that means that it takes the Admin registration only for the session that you open with Run as administrator.
Yet the problem of not opening for the user accounts persists…

by (136 points)
0 votes

It would probably be best if you used Help > Give feedback from within Paratext so we can take a closer look at your problem.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


I have run multiple users on the same machine in the past and it worked fine. I have not tried it recently, however. When you installed Paratext the first time did you specify that it should be available for all users?

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