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Avast Premium Security 20.10.2442 (build 20.10.5824.624) on two different Windows 10 computers identify PTFramework.cab as infected with “Win32: Evo-gen [Susp]”

I would think this is a false positive, but what should I do with it? Quarantine? Delete?

Paratext by (130 points)

1 Answer

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Both options will disable Paratext, although I suspect that it has already taken its default action.
You will have to poke around to tell your antivirus to ignore that file, or that folder. Every antivirus is different, search the web for how to fix a false positive in Avast.

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)

Thank you dhigby. Will do.

P.S. Are you in Kitchener?

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Acts 2:46-47
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