0 votes

I’m using PT9 in Wasta Linux. When I close Paratext, the “process” (called Main) continues running. It regularly has about 3 GB of RAM allocated, and uses 25% of the CPU (one core at 100%). My temps shoot up, the fan goes to high speed, and things get sluggish until I “kill” the process. I don’t think this is normal… I’m wondering if there’s a solution for this?

Paratext by (609 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

If, while paratext is in that state, you open a terminal and run:

sudo paratext9-forceshutdown.sh | tee log.txt

then hopefully log.txt will show what paratext is doing.

by [Moderator]
(2.2k points)
0 votes

Log file sent to support @ . Thanks for the instructions!

by (609 points)

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