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In PT8 you could have a complicated windows layout and could temporarily increase a single project to fill the entire PT windows. When you reduced it, it would then go back to its original position in the layout. It used the middle icon in each of these pictures to increase and reduce, respectively:
image image

I’ve independently had two different translators ask if they can do the same thing in PT9. While I can find workarounds–such as opening the project as a floating windows, increasing the size, then dragging it back onto it’s panel in the main layout–I haven’t found anything nearly as easy or intuitive as the PT8 way of doing things. Am I missing something, or has this functionality been lost in PT9?

Paratext by (1.8k points)

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Right click on the title bar of the window and choose Open as a floating window.
To get the window back into the Paratext main window, right click on the title bar again and choose Dock window.

by (840 points)

Yes, I had put that in my original message as a “workaround”, but I don’t see it as being as easy or intuitive as the PT8 method was. It requires more keystrokes, and when you re-dock the window it doesn’t go back to where it originally was in the layout.

In PT9 there is an “undo move” option on the Main Paratext menu (ctrl+shift+z). So, if you float your window and then use ctrl+shift+z it will restore it to where it was. The undo move will remember the list of actions and continue to undo previous actions.

Thanks anon848905. That’s not as easy to use as PT8, but it certainly is an improvement over drag-drop to getting it back into place. At least for me… I’m used to key command shortcuts. I’ll have to wait and see what the users who asked about this think of that undo move feature.

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Paratext Feb 10, 2021 asked by anon647698 (114 points)
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