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I downloaded updates to TNN, TND and HBKENG resources into Paratext 9 and now those resources have no books.
For any book the title bar reads “Book does not exist in project Create Book(s) import Book(s)” but there is no abiity to add books,

How do I get the content back


Paratext by (133 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

I believe this should be fixed. If you don’t yet see an update available, please delete the corrupt resources and redownload.

by [Moderator]
(342 points)

Thanks for following up on this, anon020041. Just to clarify: are you saying this should be fixed after applying the most recent patch ( for me) or fixed after deleting and redownloading resources?

You don’t need to update PT9, just re-download the resource

0 votes

I was able to install TNN and HBKENG. But TND repeatedly fails. It encounters ‘the DBL Server Error’ and says an internal ticket has been issued, followed by a very long number. I have uploaded the error message. Hope it helps.

by (133 points)

It may be that the server is overwhelmed due to too many users trying to download the updated resources.

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