0 votes

After doing an update to the NET Bible and HBKENG Resources, they are both now blank in a text collection and as a standalone project. I have restarted my computer, reset Paratext 8 and 9, downloaded the files again, and recreated my text collections. I still do not get any content. Has anyone else had this issue?

One of my colleagues is also having the same problem.

Thanks for your help.

Paratext by (188 points)

7 Answers

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Best answer

I believe this should be fixed. If you don’t yet see an update available, please delete the corrupt resources and redownload.

by [Moderator]
(342 points)
0 votes

Yes, this seems to be a problem after the latest update of these two resources. I will report it as an issue.

by (8.1k points)
0 votes

Thank you, anon848905.

by (188 points)
0 votes

Following. Came here because of the same issue.

by (412 points)
0 votes

I noticed this several days ago as well. Fortunately the UBS Handbooks are also available in Logos.

by (159 points)
0 votes

Same issue. All other resources seem to be working.

by (110 points)
0 votes

This issue has already been reported. Please do not report again.

by (8.1k points)

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