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In Paratext Live mode scrolling the texts is extremely slow and could not complete work. There is a long delay, 15-20 seconds or more, until you see the texts become active and ready to scroll. Otherwise all texts’ windows remain dormant for some considerable length of time. Wondering if it is my PT problem only? With this kind of delay I just can’t accomplish anything, very frustrating! Translation texts involved in my case are KULV and KULBT located in Nepal: 2 users in Nepal and myself in USA. The users in Nepal say their PT has no such problems. Did something go wrong with my PT latest updating process? If so, is it possible to refresh or redo the update? FYI, wifi frequency band I have here is 2.4 GHz. Appreciate your help.

Paratext by (133 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

The next time the long delay happens, please use Help > Give feedback to report the problem to us. That report will contain some log files that might help in diagnosing the problem on your machine.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
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When I wrote this topic the first time, I also reported the problem on the “Help > Give feedback”. John Wickberg suggested that I turn off “Advanced logging enabled” item if it was enabled, which was not. Before that by holding the Shift key down I had started PT and reset all settings. PT live problem will be tested when I work with the team members in Nepal tonight at 9:00 pm ET.

by (133 points)

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