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I recently watched a Vimeo video on the features of PT 9.1, and today when editing the Progress Plan thought "it would be really nice to be able to bulk assign tasks.

So, I’m writing here to ask if the 9.1 alpha is available yet.

Paratext by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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The alpha is not being distributed widely, we are distributing it to people who helped us design features that have recently been added and a few others.

Last year, we found that a large early alpha distribution was not very helpful. It was a communications nightmare, and it scared some people who aren’t used to very early versions of software. We decided it would be better to share the early versions with smaller focus groups and share the beta with people in the broader user community. We can still make changes during the beta period, but we want a relatively solid beta to share more widely.


by (448 points)

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