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What should you check if your project disappears?

Paratext by (646 points)

1 Answer

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(anon451647 writes)

The first thing that we need to know to diagnose this is what do you mean by “disappear”?

There is no project with the required name in the list of projects.

In this case it is important to know if any other projects no longer appear in the list. One interesting twist on this problem is that occasionally people forget what they have called a project especially if they have not worked on it for a few weeks, when they can’t find that name they think it has disappeared.

Possible causes:

  1. The .ssf file for this project is no longer present

  2. The registry entry no longer points to the location of My Paratext Projects on their machine (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ScrChecks\1.0\Settings_Directory - for 32 bit OS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ScrChecks\1.0\Settings_Directory - for 64 bit OS)

##The project is present in the list but when you chose it it does not display any text.

If this is the case, if you can do a send/recv to the internet server a support person can take a peek and see what has happened.

Possible causes:

  1. The text files for the project are no longer present in the project directory

  2. The text files are present but their name does not match Project Properties and Settings > Advanced > Typical File Name

  3. Files are present, names are correct but Paratext has lost track of what books are present. Normally this can be fixed by just opening Project Properties and Settings and clicking OK. Every time this dialog is opened Paratext checks what books are present, clicking OK updates the project.

by (646 points)

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