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At the ELT Workshop, it was said that a beta of Paratext 8 would be available this month (June). Is that still the scheduled release date?

How will the release be announced? On this site, and on the pt-supporters list?

Paratext by (1.4k points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

We are very close to being ready to release a P8 beta but at the moment still have 3 medium sized items to be resolved.

We definitely need to get it out the door soon. Our first big training session starts Oct 10 in Chiang Mai and P8 needs to be quite stable by then, If we don’t manage to push this out by the end of July I will be a very worried camper.

by (646 points)

Just to clarify: It will not be released in June. :grinning:

What is the latest on a release for ParaTExt 8 Beta?

Baring any unforeseen circumstances that might come up, we are hoping to release the Beta of Paratext 8.0 at the end of next week (8/19). :grimacing:

We are very anxious to get it out to the beta testers, but we also don’t want it to cause people all kinds of issues. :grin:

I saw some discussion online about the rendering of certain emoticons in different fonts and OSes, particularly the “grin” emoticon. On this support site, in my browser at least, it looks like an expression with gritted teeth, thus conveying a very different emotion to a grin. It really is very strange that designers would come up with a grin icon that isn’t grinning! Perhaps it’s better not to use this emoticon until it looks like it should in every system?

It looks the exact same way to me and is the icon I chose to convey my facial expression. I specifically chose that one, not because it was called a grin, but because it conveyed my expression. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Funny... it came across as text in my email— ':grimacing:' —not 'grin'!


On 08/16/2016 12:36 AM, anon291708 wrote:


August 15wdavidhj:

Perhaps it’s better not to use this emoticon until it looks like it should in every system?

It looks the exact same way to me and is the icon I chose to convey my facial expression. I specifically chose that one, not because it was called a grin, but because it conveyed my expression. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

To respond, reply to this email or visit [Link Removed] in your browser.

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There were two. The first one was called "grimacing". The second is called "grin". grinning

This thread has gotten off-topic and it’s now continued in Smileys on this site

Well, unforeseen circumstances came up. I’ve decided I’m not going to give a date this time, so…
It will be ready Soon™. :confounded:

Keep up the good work! Now that the unforeseen issues have been bared, hopefully next time they’ll be barred. :slight_smile:

Perhaps you could give us a one-line update on where 8β is at … any hope for a November release :smiley:?

PT8 was given out for use in a workshop that occurred at the begging of Oct. So Paratext will be released on

Whoops. Ran out of room - it didn’t fit on a line. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t think we’re ready to give an estimated release date yet. :neutral_face:

We will let you know know when it’s getting close. :smile:

0 votes

Very best wishes for dealing with those medium sized items.

by (492 points)
0 votes

What will the minimum hardware and operating system requirements be for ParaTExt 8? Some are asking me about XP and Vista, and how much memory they will need to run Pt 8.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

The hardware and OS requirements should be mostly the same as with Paratext 7 with the following notable differences:

  • Windows XP is no longer supported. Vista and later are still supported.
  • An internet connection is required for doing certain tasks (adding/removing users, changing roles, registering a project, etc.)

On [Phone Removed]:30, anon291708 wrote:

Interacting with this forum by email really doesn’t work well!

What I put in my email was obviously HTML, not Markdown, but it was pretty much like this:

I think you meant “Windows XP”. Can you edit that for future readers, and I’ll then delete this msg of mine from the website?

0 votes

I moved 6 posts to a new topic: Paratext 8 Prerelease version available

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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