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Do you have any stories on the benefits of Paratext 9 to your users? If so, please share them.


Paratext by (448 points)

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I migrated the Finongan team (Bape, a local Finongan translator, and Mandick, a local back translator) to Paratext 9 at the end of October. When I showed them the enhanced resources, they were in awe. They cannot understand why anyone would not want to use Paratext 9.

We set up their computers up so that the notes were autohide windows. They liked that they had quick access to any notes assigned to them without it taking up screen real estate all the time. In that two-week session, I would look over and see Bape unhiding and then re-hiding the notes as he worked on cleaning up Luke and Acts.


by (228 points)

Thanks, this is exactly the kind of story I was looking for.


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But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
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