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What is the content of the file called ProjectProgress.csv?

Paratext by (646 points)

1 Answer

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(anon451647 writes)

This file is updated whenever the project progress for the project is updated. It contains one line for each book in the project. A typical line looks like:


Each line contains:

  • Id for book,
  • Total number of verses in book, (Followed by two numbers for each stage)
  • Number of verses completed so far at stage N in this book,
  • Difficultly of stage N for this book in Verses/Day (so large number is easier book/stage)

The main purpose of this file would be to allow an entity to create a spreadsheet or database to produce a custom report for all the projects in their entity.

by (646 points)

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1 Corinthians 12:13
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