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The following document lists known hardware compatibility:

However, I’d like to also give a list of recommended tablets in order of preference:

  1. Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2016) 2GB Ram, 16GB - 10.1 inch (SM-T580) 4.3 Amazon stars $220
  2. Lenovo Tab 4 - 10.1 inch 2GB Ram, 32GB 3.9 Amazon stars $159

You can use smaller tablets, however, we are only recommending 10 inch tablets for serious work.

The Galaxy Tab has a significant positive user rating, and if you went for the Galaxy Tab A (2018) edition, it comes in at 4.4 stars, but is significantly more money and hard to find in the US right now.

Paratext Lite by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Can you recommend a keyboard case for either of these? I haven’t seen ParaText Lite yet, but I am ordering a tablet to install it on and assume I should have a keyboard(?)

by (134 points)


I don’t have a recommendation but here is what Amazon shows for the Galaxy Tab

And, here is what Amazon shows for the Lenovo Tab 4:


Thinking of a PT Lite workshop in November and, in my search for recommended devices, I found this thread. Two things:

  1. Can the Google Doc be made editable? End users could update the device list with other tablets as they attempt to use them in their projects. I could always just download a copy and edit it, but that doesn’t help the greater community.

  2. Regarding the keyboard question, I just bought a pair of Logitech K480 keyboards for the Finongan program in Papua New Guinea. The deciding factors: 1) take AAA batteries. I didn’t want rechargeable for the remote location. 2) I’ve had good experiences with the Logitech brand. 3) Price of just $29 each. There are cheaper out there, but they tend to be low-name brand and have rechargeable batteries.

Sorry, I missed replying to this. As for your fist point making it editable by everyone sounds like a pretty good idea, and could be handy in many ways except that everyone who has access can control any part of the document. Accidental deletion or mangling of information is what I’d want to protect against. Perhaps there could be a canonical doc, and one which is totally open to the world. Then someone (not sure who that is) could add new information gained from the one open to the world to the canonical one. I’ll have to give this a bit more thought. Maybe you have further ideas on this?

As to your second point. Thanks for that information. That is useful to know.

Here’s a keyboard I found recently. It runs on 2 AAA batteries, seems to
be good quality, easy to type on, stays connected even when timed out.
The stand is not break-proof and doesn’t serve as a case/cover. $19 on
Amazon. Anyone in PNG can take a look at ours this week.

Language Technology Consultant (LSS)
SIL Papua New Guinea
[Email Removed]

What I do for Google Docs is give everyone with the link comment-permission. This allows them to make suggestions for edits, but no one else can see those edits until you accept them.

0 votes

I have a semi-decent Lenovo 10.1 tablet (A7600-H), but it runs on Android 4.4.2. YouVersion and other Bible apps work fine on it. Is there any workaround for me to install Paratext Lite on it? I would quite desperately need it for checking of a project …

by (174 points)
0 votes

Paratext Lite only runs on Android 5.1 and newer.

I’m not aware of a workaround for this. (And I think the existence of one is unlikely)

by [Moderator]
(2.2k points)

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