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I would like to generate notes and insert them into my notes file via an external program. Can this be done without breaking anything?

I see that the thread identifiers in PT 8 have 8 characters, whereas in PT 7 they had 36 characters (e.g. f183ca06-a9bb-458c-a093-d11de6c41b42). So, if I generate 36-character-identifiers, I should be on the safe side, right?

Paratext by (754 points)

1 Answer

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PT7 also used 8-character IDs (at least since 7.1). The 8-character size was done just for size considerations (to keep the size of the file manageable). That being said, the IDs just have to be unique so using 36-character IDs should be fine.

EDIT: I was partially wrong. When creating notes for multiple projects (i.e. multi-notes), for some reason those use IDs that are 36-character long. That’s probably a bug/oversight and still happens in 8.0. :sweat_smile:

I must say that I’m curious why you want to do this. :thinking:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


I have an XML file with the references found in the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament. I want all references referring to a direct (OT) quote as Consultant Notes in a Consultant Note Project: A note where a quote appears in the NT and also (reversed) on the OT location that is quoted.
This list seems to be more extensive than the Parallel Passages Tool. A second step could be to complete the tool with these missing references.

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