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When trying to upload a bundle from PT to DBL the process is stopped at “Pushing to DBL: Asking DBL to process bundles” and after a while DBL cut the connection.

I think I follow the instructions carefully, and the issue repeats itself every time I try this today. What might be the problem or how to bypass it?

Paratext by (250 points)

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Hi @anon982572,

Sometimes this error occurs to a long period of processing by the DBL website, but does not necessarily indicate that a problem happened other than a loss of connection between DBL website and Paratext. In other words, if you know the DBL entry target id, you can visit it’s page to see whether it was actually uploaded or not.

What kind of bundle are you uploading. Is this a text upload? Or an audio upload? The problem you describe can often happen with very large uploads, or perhaps when the DBL website is currently overwhelmed and needs some administration help to get it performing well again.

If you can give me more information on what the DBL target entry id is for the bundle (e.g. you can export the bundle or its metadata To Disk and see what the <DBLMetadata> attribute id is in metadata.xml, or if it’s a text bundle, you should be able to click on the DBL target link to open the DBL entry page in the browser.


by [Moderator]
(342 points)


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