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I am using PTXprint on Windows, without Paratext. When I select the folder where my USFM files are stored, I get the error message pasted below. The program then exits, and if I rerun it I am prompted again to select a folder, and the cycle repeats. I have tried several different folder paths and uninstalling/reinstalling the software. What might be causing this?

PTXprint by (102 points)

1 Answer

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Make sure that you are selecting the folder ONE LEVEL UP from wherever your USFM files are stored. It is looking for the equivalent of "My Paratext Projects" under which there are one or more folders with USFM files in them.

Having said that, it is possible that a recent development (2.7.x) has caused a regression, so let us know if it still isn't working and we can dig deeper.
by (2.7k points)
Thanks for the response. That's what I've been selecting; I have a folder called "PTXprint_Files" with subfolders containing USFM files. I get the same error selecting the main folder or any other folder I've tried.
Thanks for confirming. We'll take a look and get back to you.
Yes, we have been able to replicate the issue and are working to fix it. Thanks for alerting us to the problem (that has probably been lurking since 2.7.x).
As a workaround, you should still be able to get it working by starting the program from a CMD prompt with the following command:

"C:\Program Files\PTXprint\PTXprint.exe" -p "C:\your\path\to\parent\folder"
Version 2.7.15 (just released) should solve this issue for you. Please confirm.
That worked—I was able to complete the setup and print a test PDF. Thanks for the quick response and fix!

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