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I have a regex that can extract all the figures in my Paratext project: 

\\fig .*\\fig\*

I would like to have a regex that gives me the same list of figures but also includes the scripture reference for the location of each figure. 

Thanks for any help you can give me on this. 

John Nystrom

Paratext by (296 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This is not a direct answer. I would use the normal PT search with regex:\\fig .*?\\fig\* (using the ? just to be sure the regex does not get too greedy) and just copy the matches from the list window (or "save list as" and edit that file).
If you do not need this in an automated workflow, it may not be worth creating a regex solution. My guess is, you need multiple steps to get your matches.

by (848 points)
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