+1 vote
The default font for our Paratext project is 'Khmer Busra Bunong'. Scripture Forge does not display our text with this font even though it is an SIL font. 'Khmer Busra Bunong' is a sub-type of the 'Khmer Busra' font. The latter font is more widely acceptable for Khmer script projects.

Khmer Busra is an SIL font which is available at these locations:
related to an answer for: Changing font
Scripture Forge by (127 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Todd,

Yes, it looks like we can add support for "Khmer Busra", but "Khmer Busra Bunong" is trickier. There isn't any particular download that specifically specifies Bunong. Can you clarify what you mean by saying it's a sub-type? Is it created using TypeTuner, or enabling a specific set of font features?


EDIT: Khmer Busra and a number of other SIL fonts that previously were not supported are now supported.

by [Moderator]
(124 points)

edited by [Moderator]
Thanks for your reply. I don't know the technical difference between the Khmer Busra and Khmer Busra Bunong fonts, but they are both available on this page: https://software.sil.org/mondulkiri/

It would be fine if Scripture Forge opened our project with the Khmer Busra font. Is that possible?
Hi Todd, I see "Bunong" mentioned twice on the page you linked to, but it's not in the downloads. It seems to be a language that's supported by the font, rather than a variant of the font.
One version of the Busra Bunong font {Mo5V56Bu.ttf} is included on that page in the special variants download: Mondulkiri-5.300.zip. However, our Paratext project uses an updated version of the Busra Bunong font , which isn't publicly available yet. The file names are {BBV8-r.ttf, BBV8-i.ttf, BBV8-b.ttf, BBV8-bi.ttf}. May be it's too messy to include support for Busra Bunong. If that's the case, we don't mind if our text is displayed with the Khmer Busra font, but we're not planning on changing the default font in the Paratext project itself.
The next release of Scripture Forge (likely next week, though I can't be certain) will support Khmer Busra, and will use it when "Khmer Busra " or "Khmer Busra Bunong" is selected in Paratext.

Let's see how well that works for your project. It *might* use the Bunong variant since you have that language set as the language code for the project. I don't know, because I don't know how the font is set up, but for some fonts it would do this.

Once it's released, you can see how well it works and let us know if it meets the needs of your project.
Okay, great! I'll keep an eye out for that update.
The font is much better now. Thanks!
Hi Todd, that's great to hear. Can you tell whether or not it is using the Bunong variant of the font?
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