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I am using Paratext and PTXprint 2.4.7

I am assisting on an Arabic project. In the 16 chapters of MRK only chapter 2 consistently has a problem. The rest of the chapter numbers are fine.

I tested it with MAT and had no problems with any of the 28 chapter numbers there. That suggests that it is random.

Could the solution be similar to the earlier reported problem (Chapter numbers obscure text randomly asked in 2021)?

related to an answer for: Chapter numbers obscure text randomly
PTXprint by (211 points)

1 Answer

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Hi there J,

This certainly looks like the previous issue showing up again - especially if only 2 of the 16 chapters are showing the issue. But nothing is ever completely random. Please send in an archive to ptxprint (underscore) support (at) sil.org and we'll look to see what we can do.

BTW, please upgrade to the latest PTXprint >2.5 (as 2.4.7 is already >6 months old); and only in 2.4.13 did the "Check for updates" button start working more predictably, so it wouldn't have warned you that you're on an old version.
by (2.5k points)
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