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Given this line (from "Revised Common Lectionary [English]" at https://lingtran.net/Example-Modules):

\p \bd Old Testament:\bd \it $(JER 33:14-16)\it* (\it JER 33:14-16\it*)

where do I add a space so that the output is:

Old Testament: Jeremiah 33:14-16

instead of:

Old Testament:Jeremiah 33:14-16

that is, insert a space between the colon and the book name?

Thanks for any help!

Paratext by (615 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Put it as part of the bold text (where I put the underscrore "_"): \p \bd Old Testament:_\bd*\it $(JER 33:14-16)\it* (\it JER 33:14-16\it*)

by (835 points)
selected by
Thanks lichti, that worked. I did notice, however, that you added * after the closing \bd. It seems to 'work' without it, that is, PTXprint outputs "Old Testament:" in bold, but my hunch is * should be there. The file I downloaded from lingtran doesn't have it... Also, when you added the * you didn't leave a space between it and \it. Should there be one?
According to the USFM documentation (see link below), \bd has to be closed with \bd*. Having two consecutive \bd_ (with space after) in your file without closing \bd* is not standard USFM. Maybe it has a special meaning here, maybe it is just an error.

Relevant USFM documentation:
0 votes
Just to add to what lichti wrote - the space after a marker simply ends the marker (unless it has an * which ends it). If you need a true space it must go before the marker. In this example, the space between \bd and \it is the end of \bd. There for the space must go before the \bd.
by (8.4k points)
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