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I purchased a set of images for use in SU publications, etc. The description states, “The images are in high resolution black & white TIFF files for printing (up to A4 size at 300 DPI), and colour JPEG files…”

The set of black & white images, however, are in .gif format, which doesn’t seem to be recognized by PTXPrint. Can I use something like ImageMagick to convert “gif > tif”, with a “high resolution” result for printing?
Any explanations that will help in the future would be appreciated!

Thank you!

PTXprint by (603 points)

1 Answer

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If the images are actually the claimed resolution, then they should be (at least) 3508 x 2048 pixels.
You can verify that with ImageMagick’s identify command.

ImageMagick’s convert utility should be able to convert the .TIFF files (or GIFs - really?) would certainly be able to turn .GIF or .TIFF into .PNG, which is what you want to use, and unless you tell it to (or you are converting from a vector graphic format) it won’t alter the resolution.

I don’t know how recent it is, but the -format flag for mogrify saves a lot of typing:

mogrify -format png *.gif

I’ve tested it on my Ubuntu 22.04 and (despite mogrify normally being modify-in-place) this did produce a new copy of the files in the relevant format. Obviously, having a backup is a sensible precaution, anyway.

by (608 points)

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