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In order to use Paratext 8, you must register or be registered by a project administrator.

  • If you are an existing user of Paratext 7, follow the instructions in the "Upgrade to Paratext 8" expandable section below.
  • If you previously installed Paratext 8 and need to install it on a new or repaired computer, follow the instructions in the "Install Paratext 8" expandable section below.
  • If you are not a registered user of Paratext 7, see your project administrator to get registered.

Upgrade to Paratext 8

  1. Install Paratext 8.
  2. Go to the Paratext Registry at https://registry.paratext.org/signin
  3. Click the Google button.
  4. Sign in to your Google account.
  5. Click "Allow" if a message says:
    ParaTExt Registry would like to:
    View your email address
    View your basic profile info.
  6. Select I have a Paratext 7 registration.
  7. In the Paratext 7 Registration Code box, enter your registration code from Paratext 7.
    (If you need to find the registration code, in Paratext 7 select Registration Information from the Tools menu.)
  8. Specify your organisation.
  9. Click Register.
  10. Click Copy (to copy your Paratext 8 registration code to the clipboard).
  11. Open Paratext 8, select the user interface language you prefer, and then click OK.
    The "Registration Information" dialog opens with your registration details filled in.
  12. Click OK.
  13. In the "Internet Settings" dialog, select one of the following:
    • Allow normal Internet use
    • Disable ALL Internet use
  14. Click OK.

Install Paratext 8

  1. Install Paratext 8.
  2. Open Paratext 8.
  3. Select a user interface language from the "Select Language" dialog and click OK.
    The "Registration Information" dialog opens.
  4. Copy your Registration Code from the e-mail you received from [Email Removed].
  5. Click in the "Registration Information" dialog and the Registration Code appears automatically.
  6. Fill in Registration Name, Your Email Address, and Supporter Name if that information is not already present.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the "Internet Settings" dialog, select one of the following:
    • Allow normal Internet use
    • Disable ALL Internet use
  9. Click OK.
  10. If a message says “Paratext could not get your saved user settings from the Internet server. Would you like to try again?”, click Yes.

:checkicon: Once you have registered for Paratext 8, we recommend that you do both of the following:

* Register existing projects in Paratext 8.
Most existing projects will be pre-registered by the translation organization before the user tries to use Paratext 8. For any existing projects that are not pre-registered, see:
[How do I register a project in Paratext 8?](http://support.paratext.org/t/how-do-i-register-a-project-in-paratext-8/1186)
[Why should I register my project?](http://support.paratext.org/t/why-should-i-register-my-project/1194)
Paratext by [Expert]
(733 points)


2 Answers

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:informationicon: See also:

  • Delete user from PT registry

[In response to the error I just got, the body is deliberately similar to what I recently posted. Hope I can post this now, having added this comment!]

by (1.4k points)
0 votes

Can some search terms be added to this thread, or to the first post, so that it will be found when searching this site with the terms:

  • register user
  • registry: user


by (1.4k points)

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