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Even when reducing the font to extremely small size, I cannot get the project translation page to scroll to the last verse. In Isaiah 3, it shows only to the first line verse 25. Verse 26 will not show up at all.

Paratext by (145 points)

2 Answers

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My first thought was that you are seeing a difference in versification, but I checked that both “English” and “Original” versification have 26 verses in Isaiah 23. Can you look in Project properties and tell us what versification your project is using?

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

“original” and in French “traduction standard”

by (145 points)

I just worked on it again, and realized that the bar at the bottom of the screen is what was blocking it – when I made that bar with all the shortcuts disappear, then I can see all the verses!

I am glad that you figured out how to get Paratext to display the way you want. I sometimes have to resize the Paratext window myself to kind of reset things while scrolling. I like to set my monitor to 125% magnification and that sometime give various software applications problems. Especially, some websites.

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