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When project was created and the tracking of the project progress was started, the project had the versification “English” (as per default). What we wanted was “Original”, so we changed that.
But the Project Progress tool uses “English” as versification.

I hesitate to just change ProgressXYZ.xml manually (<Versification>English</Versification> to <Versification>Original</Versification>), but that’s the only possible solution I can think of.

Paratext by (848 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

You can ignore the versification in that file. It is not used and is replaced with the real versification of the project when Paratext opens the file (it’s actually a minor bug that it is written to the file - fixed in 8.0). If you change any project progress inside Paratext, it should rewrite the file with the new versification.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

For the record: What helped was indeed changing ProgressXYZ.xml manually (<Versification>English</Versification> to <Versification>Original</Versification>)
PT Version:
(It was a private project.)

With it’s like you wrote: only the project’s versification matters, <Versification>-values are ignored.

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Acts 2:46-47
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