0 votes

I have installed Paratext 9.2. When I tried to install the new XML resources, they were simply not there to choose from the list. I followed these steps from the e-mail:

  1. Go to the Paratext menu > Download / Install resources.
  2. Type ‘English’ in the Filter Text box.
  3. Select ‘LSJ’ for Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek Lexicon.

At step 3 there was no LSJ in the list.
This might be related to the problem I encountered - I cannot see and therefore install any Enhanced Resource - they are not visible for me either. I am using Windows 8.1.
Is there any way for me to get the LSJ dictionary into Paratext, I would really need it for my work?

Paratext by (174 points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Can you use Help > Give feedback after viewing the dialog so we can take a closer look?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Here is the dialog, there is no LSJ on the list

I’ll do a “Give feedback” as well

0 votes

After I installed the 9.2 installer from paratext.org I could see the two xml lexicons in the list of resources to download. You might try a Paratext reset to see if that fixes the issue for you.

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

I have done the reset. Still no XML lexicons in the list.

by (174 points)

Hi MatjazCrnivec, I believe the xml resources use the same server as the Enhanced Resources. It may also be helpful for us to know if you see the Enhanced Resources like I do when you uncheck the languages box and enter “+” in the text filter:

When everything is working okay, here’s what you should see if you enter “xml” in the filter:

No, I don’t see the Enhanced Resources either.

0 votes

Could it have something to do with Windows 7. In our office office we have 9 laptops and we updated all of them to Paratext 9.2.

All four of the Windows 10 machines were able to get find LSJ and MGLAS, install them and use them. However, the remaining five Windows 7 machines were not able to even see them in Download/Install Resources.

Could the version of Windows be the issue?

by (238 points)
0 votes

As for the Enhanced Resources those are also missing in Download/Install Resources.
But we copied them from the Windows 10 machines and they work fine.

Can we do that with the XML resources as well?

by (238 points)

Yes, those files are named like this: LSJ.xml1z with an .xml1z extension.

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