0 votes

I would appreciate to be able to adjust the font size of the menu. The size of the font is so small that it has become almost unreadable on my external screen. Is this possible?



Paratext by (114 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi anon647698,

I’m only now seeing your post. If the problem is only on the external screen, it’s also possible to scale all programs and content on one screen. Right-click on the desktop (empty screen) > Display Setttings > select the external screen and go to “Scale & Lay-out”. (I’m backtranslating from my Dutch Windows version – it’s Beeldscherminstellingen > Schaal en Lay-out.)


by (456 points)

Hi Paulus+Kieviet,

Yes, this does the trick, thank you very much. The back translation was not necessary! For me 150 was a good choice!


0 votes

anon647698, you could try Magnifier, in Windows, at 125%. That would at least help.

by (536 points)
0 votes

2 posts were split to a new topic: Transliteration consistency

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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