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One of our 3 translation teams here, has just taken on a new translator. We’d like to start training him to use Paratext. It makes sense to start him on Paratext 9, but the other translators (in 3 languages) are all still using Paratext 8. If we knew when Paratext 9.1 was likely to be available, it would help us to plan. It would save some time and effort if we trained others alongside the new translator.

We could start them all on the Beta version, but I notice there are still some problem areas that it would be nice to have dealt with first, especially since those who support them in using Paratext are not here all the time.

Thanks for any information anyone can give us.


Paratext by (121 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

We’ll probably release 9.1 a few years from now. We estimate that it would likely be late 2021 or early 2022. However, since we haven’t even started working on it, that’s very subject to change. :yum:

Now, assuming you’re really talking about 9.0 instead of 9.1, we hope to release it to everyone within the next couple weeks. :grin:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Oops! Yes, that’s what I meant. I was thinking that 9.0 was the Beta, and that 9.1 was the first version. Glad to know that 9.0 will be out soon! - I really like the Paratext 9 Beta.

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