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I don’t remember how I started the Biblical Terms list for the project for the language I’m working in but whatever I did the terms show up in the Terms column in English rather than Hebrew or Greek. I’d rather have the Hebrew or Greek because I’m now adding new terms by using the the source language text so I’m getting a mixture, and sometimes duplicates. Is there a way to change the English to source language? I’ve tried to find something but haven’t been able to. I’m using Paratext 9.
UPDATE: Poking around trying to figure this out I realize that I must have made my project list based on the NT Key Biblical Terms List (SIL) that has the term in English with a sense number (1:1, 2:2, etc) rather than one of the other lists that uses the source language. It looks like it may only be possible to change this by opening the edit box and copying and pasting the Hebrew or Green into the Term/Definition box. A lot of work. But I’ve already done a lot of work adding renderings so I may be kind of stuck?

Paratext by (140 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

You can use several different biblical terms lists, to choose your project terms list. So if you want Greek, go to the menu in BTL, choose select Biblical Terms List…, and then choose the list Major Biblical Terms. You can then click on the star to the extreme left of the line the term is on, and it will add that term to your Project BTL (Biblical Terms list). All of these terms have the original Greek or Hebrew.
The NT Key Biblical Terms list is chiefly useful for terms that have more than one sense (for example, grace), and that is all that I use that list for, when I need to track different senses of the Greek word.

by (536 points)
0 votes

I know about the different Biblical terms lists. My problem is that I’ve taken from several and have thus ended up with a mixture of the term sometimes being Greek, sometimes English. I also have duplicates. Mostly have have terms in English but I’d rather have Greek so now that I know more, my preferred way of adding new terms is from the Greek source text. But this is what is really causing the duplicates.

by (140 points)

Ro, a couple of things that might help as you sort through your list and throw out unwanted terms:

  1. If you toggle the option to “Transliterate Terms”, you will probably see a the Terms which you have added float to the top (as the Term will be blank).
  2. You can sort various columns by clicking the header at the top of each column (and this might help find/separate “the sheep and the goats”).

Just click the yellow star to remove any terms that you no longer want in your Project’s list.

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