+1 vote

On my computer and on the other that my partner uses (Linux) we keep getting blank screens. We have to close and reopen until the text appears.

I am using Ubuntu, he is using wasta with the latest version installed.


Paratext by (137 points)

6 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

A fix for this has been done in 8.0_1.34

(Currently in PSO experimental, but should appear in the normal repos in a few days).

The fix detects Xubuntu (well actually XFCE), and sets some GDK settings that fix this issue.

Other Linux Systems

If anyone is seeing this error on other Linux systems, although I still recommend that you use WASTA, one can try the one of the following options (in version 8.0_1.34 and newer):



(The latter is default on most systems)

And while I’m publicising internal environment variables:

FORCE_GRAB_KEY=1 paratext8

switching the keyboarding/IM implementation to a keyboard grabbing approach. (this is not the default on most systems)

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

Sorry for a very late reply. Thank you that worked on both our machines!

0 votes

Hi anon845828,

Your screenshot shows a Wordlist window trying to open, and I
think I see a lot of other windows open on the Panel at the top of
the screenshot. The wordlist takes a while to process all the
project text before it opens. The computer’s memory might be
getting low with all the programs open. I’m not sure how much RAM
your computers have, but you might try closing most of the other
program windows before you use the Wordlist in Paratext.

Does this tip help at all?


Language Technology Consultant


by (630 points)
0 votes

Hi KimB,

even with everything closed it does the same with find and replace, spelling or most other functions. Oftentimes the main text display even goes blank.

by (137 points)
0 votes

Here is an example of a blank writing screen

by (137 points)
0 votes

Hi anon845828,

This looks similar to bug that occurred on 18.04 (in some desktop environments - but not the one the Wasta uses). This should have been fixed (months ago) in Paratext versions and newer.

To be able to look into this I need to know:

  1. The exact Paratext version you are using.
  2. The Ubuntu or Wasta version you are using.
  3. The desktop environment you are using.

Running the following in a terminal would get the required desktop environment information.

printf ‘Desktop: %s\nSession: %s\n’ “$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP” “$GDMSESSION”

However, if one does a Problem Report from inside paratext,:

Help -> Report a Problem

Then all this information, and more, is already provided.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)
0 votes

From comparing your screen shots, it seems that you are using Xubuntu. (This isn’t something I’ve used to run PT on)

On the user login screen can you select a different desktop environment? Does this make a difference?

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic

Even sending the error report gives me some blank screen.

I have tried using everything but KDE, all are the same with regard to this error.


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