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When converting a project to Study Bible Additions, Paratext turns every paragraph in its own addition (= the blue box). I can, however, insert more than one \ip paragraph in such a box. Does this do any harm? Should I advise my team to always insert a new addition instead of multiple paragraphs in one box?

Paratext by (754 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

One can add more than one \ip paragraph into an addition without doing any harm.

When Importing/Converting an old SB to a SB additions, PT should only be automatically dealing with /ef’s /ex’s and /esb’s (sidebars) and not any other \ip that may have been added to the base text. Is that not what you are seeing?

by [Moderator]
(2.2k points)

This specific study bible consists mainly of \ip paragraphs in between the bible text. The commentary comes after the biblical text. There are no sidebars (\esb) and only few extended foonotes (\ef).

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Based on the instructions in the Help file on “Split(ting) an existing Study Bible Project”, I tried the other day in PT8…24, to split the Study Bible material from a Study Bible project (created in PT7 and migrated to PT8), to create a Study Bible Additions project instead, as this promised to be more easily updateable. My purpose was to see how this works, in order to be able to help a colleague migrate her Study Bible to “Additions”. It seemed to work.
So this week I tried to help my colleague achieve this move on her project, but we failed. Both of our machines now run PT 8…25. On her machine (she is the project administrator for Study Bible and Base project), the new, empty Additions project remained totally empty after the split, possibly because of following the instructions to use the base project with editing disabled as a target for the base project.

When I tried it on my computer (I’m only an observer on her Study Bible project and the Base project), using two empty, editable dummy projects for base project and additions project, I got two copies of the original project and none of the Study Bible material in either of them. The only difference being that the book introduction is greyed out in the “Additions” project (obviously being considered an Addition).

So neither an empty, editable project nor an already existing non-editable project for the base project did any good, nor did an empty editable Additions project in combination with either. Somehow, something seems to have changed for the worse from PT8…24 to …25.

I also tried creating an Additions project independently of the above splitting attempt. This might have been a workaround to simply recreate the Additions project by copy and paste. But I found that it seems to be impossible to insert any Addition (side bar, \esb) at the end of the chapter. Any Additions always insert themselves before the last verse, irrespective of what I tried when typing. In a Study Bible project under PT7, it was no problem to insert an \esb at the end of a chapter.

The current situation where Additions can only come before the last verse in a chapter, is unsatisfactory for my colleague’s project, as she wants to have study material per chapter and publish the whole thing in a SAB. There, any Study notes are printed in line with the text, so being at the end of the chapter is essential to be able to distinguish them from the main body text.

by (255 points)

I just tested migrating an test Study Bible Project into a Study Bible Additions Project, using PT version, doing:

Tools -> Advanced -> Migrate Study Bible.

I used new (empty) projects for the Base Text and Study Bible Additions Project.

My new Study Bible Additions project showed the readonly base text and the migrated ef’s.

  1. If you navigate to c:\My Paratext 8 Projects\NEWADDITIONSPROJECTNAME\ do you see a StudyBibleAdditions.xml file, if so what size is it?

  2. After the migration was there any disconnected items (ie. a red number over the bell in the top right of the SB Additions project?) There shouldn’t be but if there is its an indication of some sort of failure.

  3. Is it possible for you to share with me, via a private message, the name of the SB project you are migrating? (if it has been Send/Received). Then I can do a test a migration (using + and see if there are any differences)


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