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Hello, There should be plenty of room for the colophon further below to go on the last page after Psalm 150 and the final footnote. It did work before when I had a little more room on the last page. I do NOT have "Force Page Break Before Colophon" turned on. Does anybody know why the colophon must be demanding so much room to fit on the last page? See image below of final two pages of Psalms.

And just for fun, is there a code to put before the website link in the colophon to actually become a clickable url (if this were online)?

Thanks, Crockett

PTXprint by (108 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Yes. This is a bug in single column output. This will is fixed and will be available in the next release (2.6.5 or later) Thanks for pointing it out.
by (378 points)
0 votes

Thank you, Crockett, for reporting this issue. Indeed, it was a bug and has just been fixed. The next release 2.6.5 will have the fix and the colophon should behave more reasonably in future. (Interestingly, this bug doesn't affect 2-column layouts, only single-column layouts.)

About the URL. The link should work, but there seems to be a regression (with a space appearing after each of the / slashes). This has now been fixed and will be released in 2.6.5 shortly.

by (2.6k points)
edited by
Thanks, Guys. Much appreciated. For some reason, I didn't get an email this time when you guys answered. I just now checked and saw your answers. I'll be looking for the update.
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Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47
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