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In the project that we are working on, in order to avoid needless rechecking or keeping separate lists, we are marking glossary items that have been team checked, tested and consultant checked with stand-alone milestones, e.g.:

\v 2 \k phivli\k* Ʒuvli/rromni kaj mulǎs laqo rrom, vëduva, vädana. \zteamchecked\* \ztested\* \zconschecked\*

The custom stylesheet entry looks like this, for instance.

\Marker ztested
\Name tested glossary item
\Description Has a glossary item been tested yet?
\OccursUnder id p
\StyleType Milestone

When I run basic checks, I am spammed by entries looking like this:

GLO 1:5 #Missing milestone end: \ztested
GLO 1:5 #Missing milestone end: \zteamchecked
GLO 1:5 #Missing milestone end: \zconschecked

Am I missing something in the custom.sty entry that is stopping Basic Checks from accepting the entries?  I do want to be warned about a genuine missed end (i.e. if there was a line that ended \zteamchecked \ztested \*), so I don't want to deny all the messages.
I tried specifying  "\Endmarker *" in custom.sty, but that did not seem to help at all

Paratext by (877 points)

1 Answer

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The USFM standard says: 

Currently, USFM does not formally provide any standalone milestones. This may change with future updates to USFM 3.x, as use of milestones highlights specific needs.

You could try to use an opening closing (maybe shorten the names)

by (8.5k points)
Just checking... do I interpret your answer as basically "Because USFM3.0 does not provide any stand-alone milestones, while Paratext recognises custom stand-alone milestones for the purposes of syntax highlighting, that support is as far as it goes, and and basic checks offers no support for them"?
DG - someone else with more knowledge of the use of milestones in Paratext will need to address this issue.

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