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When I print Psalms I get the following Syntax Error warning:

Examine line 5386 in PSA on the 'Final SFM' tab of the View+Edit page to determine the cause of this issue related to marker: \x as found in the markers: id c. This warning was triggered due to 'Auto-Correct USFM' being enabled on the Advanced tab but is due to an orphaned marker. It means the marker does not belong in that position, or it is missing a valid parent marker.

Line 5386 in PSA doesn't appear to have an orphaned \x marker (I've included lines 5385 and 5387 for context):
5385 \q2 pukue te gonii na agutu sʼsule ba ti;
5386 \q2 eo, e thaurira na tinoni ghinia na lime made te tabu.
5387 \q1

There's nothing in Paratext at that point in the text that I can see. Where else should I look for the source of this warning?

PTXprint by (611 points)

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Once again, if you include PSA in the archive you send in (see previous issue), then I can try to decipher this error for you. Sometimes the line number reported is "off" by a few lines, so it is worth looking at the surrounding context to see if there is anything tripping it up near line 5386.

Another thing that sometimes helps discover errors in the USFM is the Schema check in Paratext which takes a deeper dive into examining the structure of your data. As a special technical check, it only shows up if you're holding SHIFT when you click "Run basic checks..." on the Project menu.

by (2.5k points)
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Thanks for the tip about the Schema check. It didn't turn up anything for the Psalms. There were a number of errors elsewhere, however, some of which I was able to correct. But the bulk of them don't make sense to me as when I look at the USFM marking, everything looks fine; or at least exactly the same as countless other contexts that are the same but don't get flagged...
The error looks very familiar, and if it's the same cause as back then, it was an error in the USFM parser code, but I thought we'd fixed it a few months ago. Are you using a recent PTXprint?  
If you are, or updating doesn't fix it,  please send an archive demonstrating the error.
Hi DG, Mark discovered that this was caused by a x-reference attached to a chapter rather than a verse. i think he has updated the code to handle this?
Ok, well, there are different parts of PTXprint.... I hope that Mark or Martin parser have managed to fix that bug. I work far more on the bit of the code that actually does the low level usfm to PDF conversion, which has been able to cope with notes on chapter numbers years iirc.

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