0 votes

PtxPrint always crashes when I try to print Bible Module.

\inc vfxs fig
\vrs English
\c 1
\ref GEN 1
\c 2
\ref GEN 2
\c 3
\ref GEN 3
\c 4
\ref GEN 4:1-16
\c 6
\ref GEN 6
\c 7
\ref GEN 7:11-24
\c 8
\ref GEN 8
\c 9
\ref GEN 9:1-17
\c 11
\ref GEN 11:1-9,27-32
\c 12
\ref GEN 12:1-9
\c 15
\ref GEN 15:1-6
\c 17
\ref GEN 17:15-27
\c 21
\ref GEN 21:1-8
\c 22
\ref GEN 22:1-19
\c 25
\ref GEN 25:19-34
\c 27
\ref GEN 27
\c 28
\ref GEN 28:1-5,10-22
\c 29
\ref GEN 29:1-28
\c 35
\ref GEN 35:23-26
\c 37
\ref GEN 37:1-36
\c 41
\ref GEN 41:1-16,25-41,46-49,53-57
\c 46
\ref GEN 46:1-7
\c 47
\ref GEN 47:27-28
\c 49
\ref GEN 49:29-33

PTXprint by (1.2k points)

3 Answers

0 votes

@MikeB Could you please create an Archive of the failing configuration and send it to the ptxprint_support @ sil.org address so that we can replicate it. Thanks.

by (2.5k points)
0 votes

I have sent those files.

by (1.2k points)
0 votes

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If instead of printing the Bible Module file, I print the XXA book containing the Bible Module, then there are no Pictures printed, even though pictures are enabled. These Module Pictures also do not show in the “Active Book” list of Pictures.

by (1.2k points)

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