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Follow the steps below to copy a task from the project plan for project ORIG (the “origin project”) to the project plan for project DEST (the “destination project”).

  1. From the File menu, select Open Project/Resource.
  2. Select project DEST and click OK.
  3. From the Project menu, select Project Plan....
  4. At the upper right of the dialog, click Manage Plans....
  5. From the "Show Base Plan" drop-down, select the project plan for the ORIG project.
  6. On the Current Plan side of the dialog (the DEST project side), click the row that has the task which you want to precede the copied task.
    If you want the copied task to be the first task in the stage, select the stage name.
  7. On the Base Plan side of the dialog (the ORIG project side), click the task you want to copy, hover over that task, and click the solid arrow that appears.
    The task is copied to the project plan for the DEST project and becomes unavailable to be copied again to the project plan for the DEST project.
  8. Optional: To move the task, click the up arrow or the down arrow that appears when you hover over a task on the Current Plan side of the dialog.
  9. Click OK to close the "Manage Plans" dialog.
  10. Click OK to close the "Project Plan" dialog.
    The copied task has the same name and progress rate as it had in the project plan for project ORIG.
    If you want to change the progress rate for the copied task, see [How do I change the expected rate of project progress?](http://support.paratext.org/t/how-do-i-change-the-expected-rate-of-project-progress/429)

:checkicon: If you want to delete a task from the project plan, click the task on the Current Plan side of the dialog, hover over that task, and click the X that appears.

:informationicon: See also:

Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


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