0 votes

Dear friends,
One of our translation team is facing an issue when they do Send Receive.
Since two week this problem happening but unfortunately they did not tell me.
They have done around 90% checking before typesetting.
It will be great help if somebody can help us.

Paratext by (162 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

The problem is most likely caused by the history of their local copy of the project getting corrupted - system crashes can cause this.

We normally send steps like this to users:

  1. Backup your project
  2. Restore the backup to a new project name
  3. Delete your local copy of the project
  4. Retrieve the project from the server using send/receive
  5. Use Tools/Compare Texts to find changes between the restored project and the project created in step 2.

We did try to make Paratext 9.2 able to recover the project from a backup that is created at the end of each successful send/receive of the project.
They can try the “Paratext > Advanced > Diagnostics > Verify project repositories…” command on the main menu

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)


thank you, the problem is that they have done all the checking in that computer with out doing the S/R then if we follow the above steps will we loose the progress that they made

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