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Is it possible to add an introduction/foreword section to the NT (that’s in addition to the introduction for each book)? When I look at Books tab under Project properties, I don’t see a way to add such a section. Is there any sort of a workaround? I’m using

Paratext by (216 points)

2 Answers

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Hi @skim1124
The FRT (front matter) book in Paratext is used to contain various sections that normally come at the start of a published book. More details (and examples) on these peripheral books can be found on this USFM specification page.
The BAK (back matter) book can also be used for material that you want to appear AFTER the scripture (before or after the GLOssary). One team used BAK to include a short “How the Jews lived” section; another team used it for a daily reading plan; etc.

by (2.7k points)

Thank you, Mark. That USFM page is very useful.

0 votes

The INT Paratext book is meant to be used for the New Testament or Bible introduction…

by (1.3k points)

Thanks. But how do I add INT to our project? I’m not seeing where I can select that. Can it only be done at the start of the project?

Looks like Manage books/Create books…/Choose…/Introduction.



Now that the Introduction problem has been solved, I have another question for you or anyone else: what is the front matter and back matter used for? Is it normally necessary for printing? I can’t find anything in Paratext’s Helps section.

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Romans 12:4-5
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