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Some of us who read messages in our e-mail program rather than on the website. This includes people with limited internet access, but also others (like me), who find it more convenient to receive messages in their Inbox than having to go to the website to see what’s up.
The subject line of each e-mail is [Paratext Supporter site] [Category] topic. This means that most of the topic becomes invisible if the subject line is not wide enough. Here is a screen shot (which I hope is visible):


Would it be possible to shorten the subject to e.g. [PT Supporters]… or [PT site]…? (Also, I wouldn’t mind if the category were left out, but others may like to have it included.) It’s just a small detail, but then, it may be easy to fix.


Paratext by (499 points)

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I think I’ve changed the subject line of e-mails to be “[PT Supporters] {topic} [Category]”. Let me know if this is not working.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Just noticed your message, but yes, I noticed that the subject line is now clearer. Thank you!

I have noticed that most messages I receive in my Outlook email client from this list with “RE: [PT Supporters]” in the Subject line have the “You are encouraged to post this and future questions at https://support.paratext.org*** https://support.paratext.org” heading and the message content as an attachment. But those with “[PT Supporters]” only, have the message content correctly formatted in HTML. Is it only if responses are written on the webpage that email recipients will receive them in HTML format?

This may have confused things, but there are now two lists that use [PT Supporters] in the subject line.

The ones that say “You are encouraged to post…” are actually going through the older [Email Removed] system.

Is it possible to post a new question by email? explains how to post questions via email on the PT Supporters Site.

I see that the newest list has now changed the label in the subject line to [PT Support Site]. The old list still uses the label [PT Supporters].

… and the old prefix was [Paratext Supporter Site] – no “s” on “Supporter” – I’m being picky regarding @anon848905’s comment:

… and also thinking that someone might want to know the exact name in order to search their Inbox.

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