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I am trying to install the downloaded Paratext update but I receive the error message:
“The update manager could not be found.”

I have version
Version has been downloaded

(The error message indicates it is trying to access the ProcRunner2.exe in the Paratext 8 directory)

How to I resolve this?

Paratext by (110 points)

1 Answer

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You get that error if the file ProcRunner4.exe is missing in the 9.2 install directory. It’s possible it might have been removed/blocked by an antivirus application. Basically, you need to either unblock it in your antivirus program or you need to reinstall Paratext to get that file back.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
I cannot suspend the antivirus. How do I reinstall Paratext?

If I reinstall Paratext, will I reed to get all of my access and permissions again?

Have you looked at the AV history to see if it removed ProcRunner4.exe?
Before you reinstall, you could try the “Modify/” option from the app list, if you choose Paratext 9 in Add/Remove programs, you should see a “Repair” option. Maybe that will help.

If you need to reinstall, you can remove Paratext via add/remove programs. You can leave your settings in place if you don’t want to have to enter your user code again. The user code (whether you keep it by not deleting your settings, or whether you delete settings then enter it again) is what give you your permissions and project access.

How do I check AV history?

If I uninstall and reinstall Paratext, will I need my registration information. I do not recall what it is.

You should be able to go to the following folder and find a file called RegistrationInfo.xml. This file can be opened in Notepad to find your Username and Code. Be very careful not to edit this file!

The file is located at:
If you don’t see the AppData folder you need to turn on the option for hidden files in Windows Explorer.

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