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We are translating in a language that can’t even really count without knowing what is being counted. They can get by, by combining the number with a fairly general classifier. For most of our work this is no problem, but we have frequent confusion in our church services when finding and expressing chapter numbers.

We need to be able to express that it is a chapter, give its number, and include its proper classifier. What we have so far is; \cl อคู้ถุ \c 1, but it would really simplify things for our readers if there was a way to add โบ่ง to the end so they were sure of what they were dealing with. We kind of need this to be visible everywhere a chapter is marked. So far, we haven’t found a way to make it happen.

Paratext by (120 points)

2 Answers

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My offering may be very similar to what has already been said.
For our translations we don’t have the same issue, but for aesthetic purposes, in Psalms only, we have:
\c 14
\cl Psalm 14
With the \cl line after the chapter number so that its origin is in the chapter, not in the prior chapter. Our ordinary chapter numbers are on the left, but these \cl lines are centered.
Our typesetter knows to not even include the standard chapter number in the typeset for Psalms, but only the \cl line.
It seems that you could do this, but just all the time. Only the \cl is printed, and it can have the text in whatever order you need it. The size and justification can be defined in custom.sty.
Paratext still needs the \c to be there.

by (209 points)

Thanks anon781854,
That looks like a possible solution. I’ll run it past the team.

0 votes

I don’t see this happening in Paratext, but when you publish your typesetter should be able to make this happen in InDesign. It is always worth sending a Scripture portion through the entire Scripture publishing process (though printing locally) used for NTs and Bibles as you are able to work through many issues and deal with them early on in the process when there is more time and less pressure.


by (1.3k points)

Thanks! I thought that might be the answer. I can wait.

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