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One of our translators is having trouble with send/receive on Linux with PT8. Since I am not in the same country, finding the problem has been difficult. Are there log files somewhere that I could have him send me that might show what is failing? Or does anyone have a better suggestion for diagnosing the problem?


Paratext by (312 points)

13 Answers

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I think the key to making sure his hard work isn’t lost is to create a project backup. That’s the first item mentioned above by @anon053385, but note that the lingtran.net link has old information about where to find that function. In Paratext 9, the backup function is found here:
Project menu > Advanced > Backup projec to file
If the user can create the backup file, then email/ufile it to you for safe keeping, then you don’t need to worry about further manipulations causing data loss. You could always import a book (in whatever state it is currently) back into the restored project once everything is fixed up.

by (1.3k points)

As noted above, the translator is still using PT8 on Linux. I have sent him information on how to get everything sent, so I hope to get the backup in the next day or two.

Thanks for all the help so far!

0 votes

After much trouble with internet and sickness, we got the bulk of it done today: he was able to back up the project and send me the file via the ufile site, and I was able to create a temporary project and restore to it. I copied his notes file, and now I’m working through the text changes. When I am sure that everything is as we want it, I will have him delete the corrupt project and get it from the internet server.

One interesting wrinkle was that I could not create a temporary project in PT 8, since it complained that it could not load the files that were needed to access the FieldWorks lexical data. But I was able to do create the temporary project in PT 9.

Thank you all for your help!

by (312 points)
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One step forward, one step backward…

The send/receive after deleting the project worked, and he got all the material and comments. Today, though, send/receive shows the same symptoms: the progress bar moves across, then disappears, and nothing appears on the s/r server. It sounds like his repository is corrupted again, so we could go through the painful process again, but it seems that there is some underlying cause that needs addressing.

Is there something I can do for him, or is the best thing at this point to ask him to take the computer to town where someone can sit down with him and trouble-shoot in person?

by (312 points)

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