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Below is the SIL Base plan revision 1.32 with the descriptions of each task removed for ease of reading:

SIL Base Plan revision 1.32

Stage 1 - Drafting
Task - Complete Translation Brief
Task - Exegesis
Task - Oral retelling and processing of the text
Task - Keyboarding the first draft
Task - Read the draft aloud
Task - Draft Section Headings
Task - Draft Footnotes
Task - Draft Book Introductions
Task - Draft Glossary Entries
Task - Insert Illustrations
Stage 2 - Team Checking
Task - Naturalness Check
Task - Exegetical Check
Task - Proper names check
Task - Biblical key terms check
Task - Run "Spell Check Current Book"
Task - Section breaks and headings - format check
Task - Paragraph breaks - format check
Task - Layout and indents - format check
Task - Special formatting - format check
Task - Print Preliminary Version
Task - Prepare for comprehension testing
Task - Preparing for the consultant check
Stage 3 – Preparing for the consultant check
Task - First comprehension testing
Task - First revision
Task - Print first revision
Task - Second comprehension testing
Task - Second revision
Task - Comprehension testing of supplementary materials
Task - Revision of supplementary materials
Task - Update Biblical Terms Tool
Task - Grammar and discourse write up
Task - Draft the back translation
Task - Check back translation
Stage 4 - Consultant Check
Task - Evaluation of Text
Task - Consultant visit
Task - Third Revision
Task - Biblical terms tool revision
Task - Back translation revision
Task - Preliminary consultant approval
Task - Consultant report distributed
Stage 5 - Review by the community
Task - Naturalness review
Task - Fourth revision
Task - Team progress report
Task - Community review of Biblical key terms
Task - Key term Revision
Task - Team Biblical key terms report
Stage 6 - Finalizing for Publication
Task - Choose final illustrations and write captions
Task - Choose maps and label place names
Task - Draft introduction to Bible/NT, other front & back matter
Task - Check parallel passages
Task - Verify that all PT checks are complete
Task - Proper names - final check
Task - Numbers - final check
Task - Money - final check
Task - Weights - final check
Task - Measures - final check
Task - Consistency check - Biblical key terms
Task - Consistency check - parallel passages
Task - Check references
Task - Footnotes and cross references - format check
Task - Section breaks and headings - final format check
Task - Paragraph breaks - final format check
Task - Layout and indents - final format check
Task - Special formatting - final format check
Task - Consultant check - final items
Task - Final approval from consultant
Task – Final read through and approval with church and community
Task – Revise text based on final read through.
Task - Do final typesetting
Task - Do audio recording

Paratext by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

The approach of splitting out tasks was taken when this plan was entered into Paratext. Each part can be tracked separately. Some teams may prefer to merge some of the tasks together to make a shorter list. Such an approach is very possible.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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