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I’m an admin on several projects, and a project coordinator recently asked me to change another user’s editing rights on his behalf because he’s traveling and unable to do it. I’m an admin on the project, but I’ve never downloaded it before. When I try to get it for the first time, using PT 9.0-0.100 (initially) or PT 9.0-0.101 (now, from the experimental repo), the download progresses fine and seems to finish, only for Paratext to then say afterward that the connection has failed.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Anyone have a suggested solution?

Upload progress (eventually gets to 100%)
Capture d’écran du 2022-03-16 12-04-26

Failed conclusion
Capture d’écran du 2022-03-16 12-12-29

Paratext by (282 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

For what it’s worth, S/R just worked on the first try using the Paratext Lite snap package. I was able to then copy the project folder into the standard Paratext8Projects folder, then open it in Paratext9, edit the book permissions, then successfully S/R the updated project to the Paratext server.

I’ll call it a win, especially for PT Lite, but I have no idea why it would succeed there while failing in PT9.

by (282 points)

Glad you got it figured out!

For (more of) what it’s worth, you can edit User Permissions from in Paratext Lite itself:

Project menu > (Expand arrow) > Project settings > User Permissions > Book Permissions

I didn’t know about this until somewhat recently. Thanks @hindlemail!!



Additionally Paratext Lite has a bunch of command line arguments (paratextlite --help shows them)

One of them being:

paratextlite --projectsPath with which one can use to specify the standard Paratext8Project folder, eliminating the need to copy.

That is great to know, thanks. I had looked in “User Permissions”, but I didn’t scroll far enough down to find the “Book Permissions…” button. Now I know!

0 votes

I cannot address this particular issue with the Linux version, but here are a couple of thoughts.

  1. If the Internet is not real stable then trying to download a larger project can fail for timeout of the project. Sometimes you may need to try again at a different time when the Internet is more stable.
  2. If you are the administrator of the project - you should be able to go to registry.paratext.org and add users or change their roles on the Member tab of the project. This does not require having the project on your computer.
by (8.3k points)

Thanks for the tips.

  1. The project is about 7.5 MB, so it’s not huge in my estimation. And although I don’t have the best connection in the world (probably nearly the worst, actually!), there’s no evidence of it timing out. I’ve tried multiple times (>10), and the download can take as much as 5 or 10 min during the day, or <30 sec in the early morning. It always seems to succeed at the download step, then fail just after.
  2. I tried the registry site first, and it seems there is no way to give book editing permissions from there (or I didn’t find it, at least)–only role-based permissions (Observer, Consultant, Translator, Admin). This translator already has a “Translator” role, but he doesn’t currently have permission to edit a particular book that the team is now checking with a consultant.

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