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we’re using stem-based matching for key terms but in an ideal world we’d like it to be followed by a word in the dative. I can’t find instructions to do this (except using other matching rules), and nothing I’ve tried works and I’m wondering if affixes are discarded and can’t be matched on?

Specific example:
dative in this language (Internaltional Rromani alphabet) is marked by -θe
The best current phrase we can find for ‘love’ without using loan-words and without implying sexual desire is ‘hold’ + ‘dative’.
e.g: Should match:
inker -el man -θe
hold -3sg me -DAT
‘(s)he loves me’

cf: Shouldn’t match:
inker -el o rovli
hold -3sg DEF stick
‘(s)he holds the stick’

Using inker gives false positives, but I’ve tried appending all of *θe, -θe, +θe and θe and it just fails to match anything.

Paratext by (294 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Paratext only supports one stem. The word in the dative has to be literal.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

Thanks anon044949. That’s clear enough. It’s a pain that it won’t match on *θe once ‘match on stem’ has been accepted.

0 votes

I’m not sure I fully understand what you have tried, but the following might be relevant:
Guide: Tools > Biblical Terms: Edit > Edit renderings

by [Expert]
(733 points)
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