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I seem to recall a way to change the text that is displayed in a Paratext window, without changing the underlying SFM file (not Font Features). I think it could be implemented at the Print Draft stage (with PrintDraftChanges.txt?), but I thought it could also be implemented in the Paratext project window itself.

Such a method would be able to change something like:

Judane Péresi kinia Sera kinia merimu, kanu yetolonga anumu Tema; Péresini Esirono merimu
Judane Peresi kinia Sera kinia merimu, kanu yetolonga anumu Tema; Peresini Esirono merimu

Replacing é with e, but on the fly. The underlying SFM file(s) would still have é.

This could also be used to change straight quotes or angled brackets to smart/curly quotes, without needing to change the SFM file and without needing to go back and “fix” all of them.

Is this still possible? Am I even remembering this accurately?

Thank you,


Paratext by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)


1 Answer

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Best answer

I think TECKit is what you are thinking about. You can put a .tek or .map file in the project directory and it will be applied to all of the USFM files automatically. It’s usually used to map a hacked-font project to Unicode, but it should do what you are wanting as well.

Note that 3rd party applications that work directly with Paratext data may not handle the TECKit conversions.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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