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We are at a stage where we want to share drafts of the translation with the community and collect feedback. I seem to recall there was software available that let you do that easily from Paratext. It would set up a website that would allow people to submit comments and the like on the website. But I can’t find it now.

Does anyone know if software like this exists to share the text on the web for community testing?

Paratext by (443 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

We also talked in a workshop session (in French) two days ago about using Paratext Lite for community feedback. You could create a generic Paratext user, but they would have to be observers on the project, so couldn’t insert comments in the text. Any users you would want to give Reviewer status in the project (to be able to insert comments) would need an individual user (with no organization) created for them. Do a Google search for “Paratext Lite” for more info.

Another possibility would be to create a Scripture App (with Scripture App Builder). It’s possible for reviewers to insert notes in the text, and they can then send a file with all of the notes they have created to an email address that you can embed in the app. If it’s text being reviewed, you should probably put an expiration date on the app, so people can’t keep it too long.

by (1.4k points)

I didn’t realise that Scripture App Builder had a feedback feature that let users send notes. Thank you!

+1 vote

I believe you’re referring to Scripture Forge


by (424 points)

what are the differences in functions between scripture forge and paratext light? Both allow readers to give feedback on the translation. but are there differences?

Paratext Lite is an app that you install on a cell phone. While it allows translators and consultants to add notes, there is not really a place to ask questions. In order to use Paratext Lite you must have a Paratext registration.
ScriptureForge is a website where community checking can be done with specific questions asked regarding a text. Users can be added as community checkers without having a Paratext registration.

Thanks anon848905, I am going to try to start a scripture forge team or
community for my language in Indonesia. Do you know of anyone else doing
this in Indonesia? God bless.

0 votes

Thanks! That does look like what I was looking for.

As far as I can tell, it doesn’t allow anonymous visitors to view the translation drafts or to leave comments. But it does allow registered users to invite other users, if you enable that configuration option. It also seems to allow editing the text and synchronizing with Paratext!

by (443 points)
0 votes

I think you might be referring to Paratext light. But if you are referring to paratext, I also want to know the answer.

by (250 points)

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