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While trying to update one of my projects (BT) in Paratext Lite on my Android phone I get a Unexpected Permissions problem. I am the administrator. Any ideas as to what to look at? I don’t have that problem with any of my other projects.

Paratext Lite by (120 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi anon523970,

After getting the error message, could you do (Main/Hamburger menu) → expand → Submit feedback.

That way we can see the log file, and the name of the project for which the problem occurs.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)
0 votes

anon523970… did this help resolve your problem? You can’t do better than having hindlemail helping you!

by (156 points)

Thanks for your help. I am not seeing the (Main/Hamburger menu) that you are referring to in Paratext Lite after I get the error on my phone. Not sure how to get there.

  1. Click on the 3 horizontal lines. (that look a bit like a Hamburger)

  2. Expand the menu to see all the options.

  3. Click on “Submit Feedback”

  4. Then fill out the form, and click Submit.

I filled in the form and submitted it. Thanks! anon523970

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