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In the project we are publishing we cannot export the books back to Paratext for final checking. We are following the instructions in the User Manual, but the option “Export InDesign Documents to Paratext project” remains grayed out. Other PubAssist functions work normally. Any idea what went wrong? We are publishing it next week so a quick reply would be much appreciated.

Publishing Assistant by (174 points)

1 Answer

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Hi MatjazCrnivec,

Do you know about the TCoP discussion list? You might wish to send PA questions to it instead of this list.

First, if you are publishing a diglot or a custom layout, this option is not available and you can ignore the rest of this message.

Secondly, this option will be grayed out if there are no PA documents (e.g. 01GEN.indd) open in InDesign. If that’s the case, open a document and see if this helps.

If that doesn’t work for you, close InDesign and use PA’s Open Job command to open your job in InDesign. Then open one of the documents from that job and see if the menu item appears.

If that doesn’t work for you, report a problem.


by [Moderator]
(316 points)


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