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Does anybody know how I can export all the Biblical Terms Renderings from one project and import it into another project? We have a language project that is split in two for certain reasons and would like to know how to transfer all renderings.

Paratext by (252 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

I don’t know of any easy way to export and import renderings, but it is possible to copy the renderings file from one project to another - presuming that the texts are basically the same in the two projects.

  • Copy the file called “BiblicalTermsxxx.xml” from the project that has renderings to the one that doesn’t. You will need to rename the file so that the xxx matches the project name of the second project.
  • When you open the Biblical Terms in the second project (after a Paratext restart) then you should have the renderings from the first project.

Note that you are replacing the renderings - not merging them with this method. This should be used with caution.

by (8.5k points)

Thanks anon848905, that solves my probelm

I am using PT9, and the user wants to bring the Biblical Term Renderings and Citations from their NT project to their new OT project.

I copied TermRenderings.xml to the Ot project, but the Glossary citation was empty.

So I copied the contents of the GLO book to the second project, but the Glossary citation was still empty.

Is there way to do this?

I edited/updated the post above.

Please note that the renderings are based on the Hebrew/Greek. So, copying the renderings from a NT project won’t directly help you with the OT terms. If you sort by English term (or whatever language the interface is in - if the Biblical Terms have also been translated) then you can see the OT and NT entries next to each other, but you would still need to handle copying the renderings from the NT entry to the OT entry.

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I have been told by developers that copying the files for renderings from one computer to another can have bad consequences. The method of sharing Biblical terms renderings is to make the administrators of each project observers on each of the other project. That would make the Hebrew and Greek terms available to each project, but would not make the actual renderings available. I will think about the problem, but it may not be possible.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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